The Village of Luckey, Ohio
226 Main Street, P.O. Box 384
Luckey, OH 43443
Telephone: (419) 833-8721
Fax: (419) 833-8701
Luckey, Ohio is a quiet community located in the County of Wood, in Northwest Ohio. Luckey was founded in 1881. Among the amenities you will find in Luckey are approximately 20 acres of parks. The parks offer 3 baseball diamonds, shelter houses, playground equipment and tennis courts. Luckey is also the home of the Luckey Fall Festival, which is held on the last weekend of September, at Basic Park.
Luckey has a downtown business district where you will find a variety of businesses. Luckey is home to 5 area churches, Eastwood Schools, and a thriving residential area. Also located in Luckey is a branch of the Pemberville Public Library, the Luckey Police Department and the Troy Township Fire and EMS Departments.